Contract Solutions in-house finishing department comprises of 6 dedicated highly trained personnel who take the upmost pride in their work. Every part passes through our finishing department after machining, where parts will undergo final preparation including the removal of any burrs using precision tools under magnification. We have enhanced our techniques over the past few years allowing us to finish complex components to the high standards expected in these industries. Precision assemblies are also carried out in our finishing department to our customer drawings. Including the building and helicoiling of waveguide components.
All parts are 100% visually inspected under magnification before and after any sub contract operations, including plating, sparking, wiring etc. This is carried out by our approved suppliers.
Bead blasting is also offered where required to give parts a uniform finish. Contract Solutions can also provide Iridite and SurTec 650/650V coatings in house, this allowing us complete control over quality from start to finish.